Need An Excuse Fo A Party?

A bit over 10 years ago the UK film Council was created to disperse UK lottery as well as UK government money. Raindance started applying, not just to the UK Film Council heqad office in London, but to regional offices and related programmes funded by public money.

The first one, the second one, the one that wasn't even opened, the one that was late, the one that didn't meet criteria set, the ones unfairly adjudicated, the ones faitly adjudicated until two weeks ago, we received (to no great surprise) our 28th rejection - this time from film London's Audience Development Fund. Strange, because we definately met all the criteria posted and were better qualified than all but 2 of the 6 film festivals who did receive assistance. And this wasn't even for money.

which leaves me here:

Application 29 is currently with the BFI. They have a special fund for film festivals who have lost money due to the economic crunch. Do we ever have the qualifications for this one, and I wonder if the new team at the BFI will give us a fair look on this, our 29th application.

And on Friday we whizzed off funding application number 30 to Skillset with just 8 minutes to spare - number 30.

Now, I'm thinking - 30 rejections from public bodies in 10-ish years is course for celebrations isnt it?

And given that Skillset themselves say they take a good solid 8 weeks to consider applications (quick by most standards) that would put their decision and likely rejection right into September. Add a couple weeks for the usual tooing and froing - I'm thinking

God damn - Lets have a P A R T Y !

30 applications for support for Raindance!
30 rejections!

Timings about perfect to celebrate Opening Night of the 19th Raindance Film Festival

Lets Reject Rejection
And Party All Night!
Wednesday 28 September!

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